Saturday, December 27, 2008


Saw a herd of elk in the field. Sorry the footage isn't so good. I had yittle girl with me and a dog that thought he could befriend the elk by bringing his stick to them.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. We had a blast this year. Kids are so fun! Owen enjoyed the wrapping paper and boxes the most. Hannah said everything was her favorite. She got tons of barbie stuff and her big santa gift was a real turtle. She named her Leo. In one pic Hannnah is playing the drums, from guitar hero. Her uncle got the whole game set. So we had a blast playing that. Hope everybody has a happy new Year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Owen eating Pears

He is definately a boy!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

snow day

this is how u make a skinny baby look fat!

Friday, December 5, 2008

owen the cutie

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

owens room closet
owens closet 2

owens room

our bathroom

our bathroom

Sorry to all those have to look at this. Wanted my parents to see, and this was the easiest way of downloading the pictures to them.

our ghetto bathroom, we are gutting it
our room

our bathroom

our room

hannahs room
hannahs closet

washer and dryer area

kids bathroom, check out the dated medicene cabinet, I thinjk this is found in every 60's house

Eat in kitchen area
Front door

down hall, the doors to the right are bathroom, hannahs, and the one at the end is owens, are is on the left side


house pics

Large window in living room(above)

This pic is of the living room
The other pics here are of an office that is off the living room

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Final Reveal

Here is the end product

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dad's haircut

Well we are trying to save money because we are in the process of buying a house, and Andy needed a hair cut. So instead of letting me cut, which I have given him two hair cuts before, he let Hannah cut his hair. Here is a picture, and the end result was shaving it all off.

I will post an after picture tonight or tomorrow. Maybe even the video if I can figure it out.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bath fun

The first pictures are of Hannah and Owen in the bath tub. He can now sit up good enough that he can use his little seat in the tub. He loves it because he gets to take a bath with his big sister. She can splash him, dump water on him, pretty much do whatever to him and he doesn't care. He jus smiles at her like she is the greatest thing on earth! The other pictures are Owen hangin out with his first girlfriend while Hannah and I watch a movie in her room. He was slobbering all over her.

4 month's old

Here is Owen in his saucer. He is now 4 month's old and weighs 13.9lbs and is 25 inches long. He can roll over, both ways. He tries really hard to crawl and sit up on his own. He wants to catch up to his big sister.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well for the last two monthes we have been house hunting. Yesterday we finally got an offer accepted, unofficially. So here are some photos of our house. Yes it is purple how cool is that! Don't worry we will repaint in spring.. Our house is in central point, it is 1500 square feet, 3bdr, 2 bath... Now we just have to pray that the inspection and escrow goes smoothly... OH yeah, I forgot to mention on our way home yesterday we also hit a deer on our way.. We are all okay, but unfortunately the deer is not.. IT was the most sad thing that I have ever witnessed. Our car has to be repaired.