Thursday, July 31, 2008

Favorite quote of the week

Here is my favorite quote of the week... Hannah said " I'm not the boss, you are. Now eat your dinner." Oh the things that come out of her mouth..

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Owen's Birth

Well I haven't had enough time to develop our pictures yet so no pictures.. For some reason we took all the pics with the regular camera and none with the digital... Here is his story..

We went in Tuesday the 15th to be induced. At 11:30 the Dr. broke my water and I got the good old epideral... By 3:00 the contractions were coming strong and I was fully dialated.. Then I started pushing about 4:00, and my epideral had worn off so I got to feel everything until about 5:00 when they had the anesthiologist come in and give my another dose... By then I was practically hanging from the ceiling to get him out.. It turns out he wanted to come in style and be face first, but that doesn't work because those bones don't smush up like the ones in your head. They tried and tried to get him to turn but no luck. So we went in for a C-section. They got us in there at 5:30, but then my Iv blew up my vein so they had to redo that and finally Owen came at 6:01pm. He weighed 7lbs 12 oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. The worst part was I didn't even get to see him until about 45 minutes later. He had a bunch of gunk in his lungs that had to be sucked out and Andy went with him back to the room.

Andy said that they wheeled the baby out to our room in a bed and they went right past the waiting area where Hannah was ANXIOUSLY AWAITING and when she saw andy walk by with a baby she yelled " my brother he is out he is out!"

After they sewed mea up I finally got to go back to the room and hold him. Funny enough I was the first one to get to hold him because the nurses and drs had been evaluated him up to that point so andy hadn't even got to hold him yet. He is very skinny, no baby fat or chubs at all. He is long and skinny, Andy is thinking basketball player! So far he is a very good baby..

Advice to anybody having children, use a c-section as your last resort, it sucks.. The recovery his way harder than a vaginal delivery. I don't know why anybody would voluntarily get one instead of going through labor.. They are crazy. My moms is wonderful and came back down yesterday to help me for the week. I can't reach anything on the ground without causing bleeding on my incision and I cant lift anything over 10lbs so I'm pretty much useless around the house. I hold the baby and talk and that is about it..

Hannah is doing well with the adjustment. She likes to get our attention to make sure we still know she is here, believe me we would never fortget because she is so loud... She is extrememly proud of him and wants everybody to see him.. Our little dog Princeton is his protector and our puppy doesn't seemed to be bothered much. He still walks around in the "duh whats going on" attitude...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Dr. Visit

I had another dr visist today. I'm now dialated to 3 cm. She stripped my membranes in hopes it would cause contractions, but I feel nothing... Unfortunately... If all else fails she has scheduled an induction for next tuesday the 15th...

Friday, July 4, 2008

More of 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

Here are some pics from our fourth. We went to the parade, then had a bbq and swimming at Andys folks house, and now we are off to the firework show! Hope everybody had a fabulous day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pics of car

Here is our New car.