Wednesday, May 28, 2008



What a month... I'll start back to where I can remember. I quit my job, because I felt it was to much on me and the baby... Hannah started going to swimming lessons and she is doing really well at swimming with her head in the water. We also went to vegas for a weekend as a last gettaway before we have two kids and this July will be our 5th aniversary, but since we will have a newborn we thought we would celebrate early! Now I just stay home with Hannah Bobanna Erickson Lynn, that is what she calls herself. Here are some pics to enjoy.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The rest of the Horse pics


Andys cousin got married last weekend and we went to the resort for the weekend. Here are some pictures of Hannah dancing with her much younger man and some pictures of her horse back riding. She had a great time, she is going to be a wild teenager!